How to Renew TelexFREE?

Unknown | 10:10 AM |

Here is how it works.
FIVE DAYS prior to your renewal date, you will receive an invoice in your backoffice
If you just post ads, then you will pay 20% of your ad position earnings PLUS the cost of the initial franchise fee (contract) if you want to continue to earn the following year.
20% * $5200= $1040
$1040 + $1425 = $2465
TOTAL RENEWAL FEE = $2465 for an ADCentral Family
If you post ads AND earned unilevel residuals, binary commissions and bonuses, then you will pay 20% of your ad posting earnings PLUS the cost of the initial contract PLUS 20% of your earnings (binary bonuses and commissions, unilevel, etc) if you want to continue to earn the following year.
If you earned $5200 from posting ads and $100,000 in the binary and unilevel, etc, then your renewal fee is calculated as follow:
20% * $105,200 = $21,040
TOTAL RENEWAL FEE = $21,040 + $1425 = $22,465
If you choose to NOT renew, then you will lose your contract, your downline will go to CORPORATE who takes over the position and you won’t be allowed to join TelexFREE under the same TAX ID until after a year has expired. AND… any other positions you have with that TAX ID / SSN / EIN / CPF will NOT be able to renew either. So think long and hard about what you decide to do.
you will get nothing when you renew. BUT … when your other positions or your downline renews, you will get referral commissions and binary cash of $0 (first cycle) or $20 (all subsequent cycles) for adcentral and $60 (first cycle) or $80 (all subsequent cycles) for adcentral families. You will get boom boom boom binary monies for left right matches again -. IF you are qualified with at least one customer. It works the same way as it does today. SPECIAL NOTE I hope everyone didn’t miss. FIRST CYCLE on adcentrals you NEVER get paid. You get $20 on 2nd cycle and beyond. FIRST CYCLE adcentral families you get $60. You get $80 on 2nd cycle and beyond. This is how it works today so that is no change there.
Now If someone in your downline is jamming and giving you lotsa boom boom boom binary left right matches, you stop getting that on renewal cuz you are over there by your lonesome in your renewal binary. You won’t get any more binary from her until she renews. This is why I am buying more positions. Because I don’t want to bring in anyone underneath my first 39 positions. Because they have like 2 months to 8 months left before renewal date. I don’t want to make 2 months or 8 months of binary off of them and then get nothing until 10 months or 2 months later when they renew. I want it ALL for 12 months. LOL! So I put everyone underneath faithsloan41-faithsloan61 strategically. In other words, I work my newest positions ONLY. The old ones i ain’t building underneath them at all. I will miss those boom boom boom binary monies from my team but I will make up for it because I have multiple positions earning. Hope ya’ll get that. Yeah I know it ain’t written down anywhere. I decided to spill my brain out here at this time. Tootaloo!
Oh yeah. You do NOT continue receiving your disclosure 40 cents but you DO customer residuals if you are getting any. right now there are no customer residuals because of what i talked about before. broken software still giving us $44.91 even on renewals. But it will be fixed when the new system launches. So don’t get used to making $44.91 on customer renewals. That is NOT how the business model works. That is how the broken software works. We are to get $44.91 when a customer comes in and we are supposed to get 10% or $4.99 every month they renew and we are supposed to get 99cents on every customer our downline brings in down 5 levels! Signing off now! 2014 is going to be a whirlwind of changes in 2014. Learn the compensation plan. Learn how TelexFREE works.
